It’s laundry day!


Cornelius and Fuzzy go outside and pump fresh water from the well.


Then they carry the filled buckets inside to the stove, where the water is heated to just the right temperature.  (Not-too-hot, and not-too-cold.)


They do this several more times until they have enough heated water for a tub of suds for washing, and another one for rinsing.


Alice goes to the cupboard to see what other laundry supplies she will need.



She dons her apron and gets right to work . . .

Scrubbing the clothes on the washboard, and then handing them to Cornelius to rinse.


Cornelius then hands each washed and rinsed item to Fuzzy, who then takes them to Fluffy to hang on the line, as Muffy hands her the clothespins.  Teamwork!

“Wow!  We have a lot of laundry hanging already, and we haven’t even done the bedding yet!”  The three cubs ponder.


Next, the twin’s take the sheets and pillowcases off their beds to be washed.


And Fluffy helps Muffy do the same with hers.


The twin’s and Muffy’s bedding is washed, rinsed and hung.


After “overseeing” all the washing, rinsing and hanging that’s already been done (and how much is still waiting to be done), Muffy decides she needs to take a short nap on her parent’s bed.

“Sorry, Muffy.”  Her father gently says.  “You look very comfortable, but we need to get the sheets and pillowcases off of this bed now.”

Finally, the last load of sheets, pillowcases, towels, washcloths, dishtowels, dishcloths, tablecloths and napkins (oh,my!) are washed and hung.

“You’ve all been such good workers,” their mother tells the cubs.  “Thank you for your help!”


After everything is dry, Alice gets out her ironing board and iron (which also has to be heated on the cast iron stove), to press the newly washed clothes.


Finally all the washing (rinsing, hanging, drying), and ironing are done and the clothes folded, all ready to be put away. 


The twin’s beds are made with the newly washed sheets, and the twins chuckle . . .

“Maybe we should be like those uncivilized bears, and not wear clothes or sleep in beds!”


At long last, Alice helps Muffy re-make her cozy little bed before finishing the big one.


“Whew!” They all say as the plop on the floor in exhaustion!  “It’s a good thing washday only comes once a week!”


Happy Laundering to All!


They can “bear-ly” wait for you to come and visit again . . .